Aviva Nuestros Corazones Podcast

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La humanidad de Cristo

Temporada:  El Cristo incomparable | Temas: Dios

Leslie Basham : Nancy Leigh DeMoss starts off with a serious story, here on Revive Our Hearts .

Nancy Leigh DeMoss : In 1959, a journalist named John Howard Griffin transformed himself from a white man into a black man. He used drugs, sunlamp treatments, and dye to darken his skin.

He then spent six weeks traveling through racially segregated southern states, posing as a black man.

As he traveled, he documented the treatment and reactions he received from people. Some of it was horrific. He was denied housing, transportation, work, and sometimes even the use of bathrooms. He experienced rudeness, racist comments, violent threats, simply because his skin was dark.

Griffin wrote a book about how he was treated, Black Like Me .” As I read this, I thought the story of Jesus coming to earth might be called, “Human Like Me.”

Leslie: This is Revive Our Hearts …

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