Aviva Nuestros Corazones Podcast

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La verdad que nos hace libres, día 2

Annamarie Sauter: Does this way of thinking sound familiar to you?

Patricia de Saladín: I want to believe what I want to hear. And I like to believe that. But when you tell me something that I don't like, then I don't believe.

Annamarie: You’re listening to Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, translated by Patricia de Saladin.

How many times have you found yourself hearing and believing only the things that suit you? The world acts that way. When they hear that God hates that sin they love, or that lifestyle they live, or those words they say, they simply close their hearts to the truths of Scripture and create their own truths. Well, if you want to be truly free, the first step is to believe God.

Yesterday you heard from Laura Gonzalez de Chavez speaking about the “Lies Women Believe.” Today you will hear Patricia de …

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Aviva Nuestros Corazones

Creemos que Dios desea producir un avivamiento y una reforma generalizada entre las mujeres del mundo mientras las llamamos a la libertad, plenitud y abundancia en Cristo. También confiamos que Dios continuará avivando corazones y llevando a las mujeres a … leer más …

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