Aviva Nuestros Corazones Podcast

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Club de lectura | Joven Verdadera | Semana 8: Capítulos 11 & 12

Today on the podcast we are joined by Yamell Jaramillo. We will share about that impulse we have to control the future and the correct perspective we must have regarding it. We continue in week 8 of the reading club for the book “True Young Woman: firm in a world that tries to seduce you.”

Here we share some phrases from today's episode:

I can rest in the truth that God has promised a beautiful future

  • We see young people who do not think about the future, they live in the moment and this is a wrong attitude. By not thinking about the future we can make bad decisions.
  • On the other hand, there are young people who think about the future all the time and seeing the uncertain takes away their joy.
  • Nobody knows what tomorrow holds for us.
  • Everything that happens in your life has been …

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Betsy Gómez

Betsy Gómez

Betsy Gómez tiene una gran pasión por inspirar a otras mujeres a atesorar a Cristo en lo ordinario de la vida. Nació en la República Dominicana, y ahora vive en Irving, Texas, donde su esposo, Moisés, sirve como pastor hispano … leer más …

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