La vejez y el discipulado | Club de lectura Adornadas | Semana 2

Last week we started our first reading club at Mujer Verdadera with great excitement. This is a tour of the book Adorned: Living the Beauty of the Gospel Together , written by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. If you have not purchased it yet, you can find it at Editorial Portavoz and any of its distributors , in the Revive Our Hearts store or on Amazon .

This week we will focus on chapters 3 and 4:

  • Don't lose hope in this modeling career
  • Grow and disciple others  

Mayra Beltrán de Ortíz, Maggie de Michelén and Diana Cardona de Figueroa share a brief and practical conversation about the content of these chapters.

Now is your turn. Here we share some of the questions they discussed so that you can take the initiative to talk to a younger or older woman.

  • Do you think women can become more beautiful as they age? Just because? Why not? 
  • Share an example of how the choices made by a younger woman could affect the older woman she will one day become. 
  • Do you have fears about getting older? If so, what parts of this chapter encouraged you to embrace that process? 
  • Do you believe that God has a purpose for you in this stage of your life that is vital and that no one but you can fulfill it? Why or why not? 
  • Do you see this mandate to teach younger women as a burden or a privilege? 
  • Do you think you give others the impression of having everything under control? How can you communicate to them that you have an open and teachable spirit?

If you want more questions like these for your group or for your next meeting with a friend, we invite you to download the Adornadas digital study guide . You can get it by making a donation to the Revive Our Hearts ministry .

There is more! Here we share the teaching videos and dramas that go hand in hand with the chapters of the week. You can use them for your own consumption or to share them in your study group meetings.

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:


Do you have a testimony of how these chapters have impacted your life? Send us a video to or publish it on your social networks using the #ClubdeLecturaAdornadas

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Aviva Nuestros Corazones

Creemos que Dios desea producir un avivamiento y una reforma generalizada entre las mujeres del mundo mientras las llamamos a la libertad, plenitud y abundancia en Cristo. También confiamos que Dios continuará avivando corazones y llevando a las mujeres a … leer más …

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