Recursos para crecer en gratitud

I'm so glad your eyes are reading these lines! Receive a virtual hug from my heart. If you are here it is because you are interested in growing in gratitude or you need some resource to anticipate next week when Thanksgiving is celebrated in many places. Below you will find a compilation of ideas and materials that may be very useful to you. 

Let's start with these activities that you can do at the Thanksgiving gathering (actually you can use it at any time, at home we like to do it when we have guests). 

  • Activities

Create your blessing jar (free template)

10 Questions to Ask Your Relatives on Thanksgiving Day

Gratitude Mural

  • Videos

I thank you

Gratitude as mouthwash

  • Preachings

Gratitude and joy - Pastor Miguel Núñez

Practicing gratitude | . Sugel Michelen

  • Blog Posts

What's the great thing about giving thanks?

100 reasons why every human being can be grateful.

What does gratitude sound like?

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude

  • radio series

Cultivate contentment in the heart

Enter his doors with thanksgiving (Psalms 100)

Further? There are many more resources here

Do you have any other ideas? Share it in the comments with other girls so they can also grow in gratitude!

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Betsy Gómez

Betsy Gómez

Betsy Gómez tiene una gran pasión por inspirar a otras mujeres a atesorar a Cristo en lo ordinario de la vida. Nació en la República Dominicana, y ahora vive en Irving, Texas, donde su esposo, Moisés, sirve como pastor hispano … leer más …

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